04-24-2004, 04:00 AM
From my past experiences I say I have a 50% chance of going to hell, but its the people like the ones here that will most definately go to hell because they dont believe in God. If you dont have beleif in God you go to hell. It doesnt matter if you\'re an Athiest or not. If you dont then you have a dinner metting with Satan. An I\'m not forcing my beliefs onto people its just that I\'m surprized on how many people dont beleive. And hey, I beleive in evolution too. I believe that God made evolution and when he wanted man he destroyed the dinosaurs and let mammals take over and had mammals turn into primates and then turn into cavemen and then turn into MAN! and when he made Jesus he told him not to tell anybody about his past failures. And about adam and eve, I think when the first humans were born he welcomed then to heaven(eternal Paradise) and when evil got in he kicked them out and made them live on earth, the piece of dust he scratched out of his figernail (joke). Yea so the only reason i posted the last thing is that I was surprised.