10-28-2005, 05:58 AM
remember that girl from part 8 was on crystal meth or some shit when jason turned into a little boy..FAR OUT MAN!!!!
any movie from the eighties sucked, so parts 1-8 can be excused.
but there is NO EXCUSE for parts 9 and X
and I guess you can\'t really call jason vs freddy a friday the 13th movie
it wasn\'t friday the 13th part 11
so yeah parts 9 and X are the worst
any movie from the eighties sucked, so parts 1-8 can be excused.
but there is NO EXCUSE for parts 9 and X
and I guess you can\'t really call jason vs freddy a friday the 13th movie
it wasn\'t friday the 13th part 11
so yeah parts 9 and X are the worst