03-20-2004, 10:26 PM
yeah thats the problem everybody but you!!! If you had ever seen the original you would know this movie was nothing like it and no I didn\'t mind because I had already seen it I was looking out for others interest ,something sorely lacking in the youth of today who don\'t worry about anybody but themselves. As far as your spelling goes yes I believe it to be a clear indicator of your mental capacity as well as the fact you automatically go on the attack when somebody disagrees with you so listen up son don\'t you find it odd that you\'re the only one who posted a spoiler and everybody else didn\'t but they did give their views on the movie without ruining it for others Hmmmmm..... maybe it\'s just the common sense they have but you don\'t and if you\'re so unwilling to budge why the hell would I ever apologize to you and if you read my thread you would see I didn\'t call you a dick I merely said that was a dick thing to do which it was so before you start pointing fingers at what you perceive the problems with the board being why don\'t you look into the mirror and maybe act a little more respectful to others rather than acting like another dumbass teenager who thinks he knows everthing when in fact you don\'t know your ass from a hole in the ground in short grow up and try to see that you can\'t always be right no matter how much you want to be