ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- Scientists have made from scratch the Spanish flu virus that killed as many as 50 million people in 1918, the first time an infectious agent behind a historic pandemic has ever been reconstructed.
Ahhh, I aint falling for coughcoughcoughcoughgaspwheeze any of it.
I didnt even bother ACHOO! scuze me... With the Flu Shot last year..
I thought it weird that everyone in my family had the shot except me, and they all got sick, RIGHT AFTER HAVING THE SHOT! When I mentioned it to the doctor, she quickly tried to tell me that there is no WAY they coulda gotten sick from the shot. Uh huh. Well, in my book, once is an accident...Twice is a coincidence...But when 4 out of 5 people in this house get sick THAT fast, it\'s a bit more than just a weird coincidence.
Soooo.....I\'m a skipping the shot again this year as well.