10-23-2005, 07:36 PM
My name is Justin, I\'m 26. Like most of you here, I\'ve been a big horror fan since I was little. I think one of the first horror movies I saw was Halloween 2 when I was 3 or so. I\'ve also been drawing since I was little (2 to be exact) and I like to do all kinds of artistic things as long as they\'re creative and constructive. Recently I got a little into mask making again like most of you. My first complete piece is a movie-accurate Casey Jones mask thats being molded and cast right now by Dan Drista (thanks Dan). Let\'s see.....I studied art and autocad in college, was an intel analyst with top secret clearance in the Army, been to Germany, Switzerland, and Amsterdam, along with several states, and I like to work out. Music....I like classic rock, hard rock, and some metal. ALice Cooper is my all time favorite, and I collect all of his stuff. Heh, my Alice collection is much bigger than my horror collection. I also date a wonderful, beautiful girl named Eva, better known here as antisocial1. That\'s about all I can think of right now.