Hey gang.
I was wondering what everyone thought was the most accurate version of Vs Jason to date. I\'ve yet to see any behind the scenes pics of Jason \'sans Hockey Mask\' so if anyone has any please feel free to post them here!
I know of 4 versions of Vs J\'s undermask.... the Melonhead, Conor\'s Camp Ground Killer, the GOHS/NO and one Mask Murderers did a while back. I was assuming that Conor\'s would be the most accurate since he worked on the film, but then I thought perhaps there wasn\'t really a completed \'under-Hockey Mask\' look (similar to JGTH), and that each of these was simply the artists interpretation.
I would appreciate any help you fellas can give :wink: Thanks!
I was wondering what everyone thought was the most accurate version of Vs Jason to date. I\'ve yet to see any behind the scenes pics of Jason \'sans Hockey Mask\' so if anyone has any please feel free to post them here!
I know of 4 versions of Vs J\'s undermask.... the Melonhead, Conor\'s Camp Ground Killer, the GOHS/NO and one Mask Murderers did a while back. I was assuming that Conor\'s would be the most accurate since he worked on the film, but then I thought perhaps there wasn\'t really a completed \'under-Hockey Mask\' look (similar to JGTH), and that each of these was simply the artists interpretation.
I would appreciate any help you fellas can give :wink: Thanks!