It hasn\'t arrived you think it will work ok with the fingers being bent. Just reckon it will look good mounted on a wooden base.. its a perfect pose for a fred glove...
I don\'t know if they still make em, but I have my glove displayed on an Addams Family hand (can\'t remember what the hand was called- the thing, perhaps?) It was $10 back in \'92, and was a piece sold due to the 92 film release.
Anyways, I\'ve spotted one or two on Ebay since.... they should be pretty cheap, and it works perfectly for my glove.
Little tip, any solid hand, manniquin etc, you\'re gonna have a HELL of a hard time getting a glove on it, and if you do, real good chance you\'re never gonna get it off, or for that matter, want to take it off. If you can get one of those rubber severed hand props, (with the cheesy bone sticking out of the wrist) cut the end off, pull out the foam, then it\'s pretty easy to get into a glove. Stuff 2 plastic shopping bags inside, and make a stand with a 6 or 7 inch piece of PVC plumbing pipe, screwed to a nice base. Works beautifully.