From the drawing you up above I don\'t really think it\'s kidney stones man, sounds like a pulled muscle to me. Does it hurt so bad it take the wind out of you when you move a certain way?
My mom is a medical assistant, and she says kidney stones are usually excrutiating pain.
Has it eased up at all? Like I said, you could have slipped a disk or just pinched a nerve.
If you have insurance, go see the doc. If not, just wait a few days and see if it lets up.
I\'m gonna ask my mom about some creme they use at the hospital to get rid of back pains. You can get it at any drug store, kind of expensive, but well worth it. I\'ll let you know man.
Well, according to my mother it can\'t be kidney stones. She says a warm pad would make the kidney expand and cause the stones to move around and hurt worse.
Yup, sounds like a definate pulled muscle. Pinched nerves are one of the worst things you can ever get though. My uncle had one in his shoulder for a few months, the doctors said the only way to fix it is to operate on it but luckily it fixed it\'s self in time.
I had a pinched nerve in the underarm of my right arm. I could barely move it I was in so much pain. I took Aleve, I mean huge doses, and it did nothing.
I went to the doctor and he told me it was a pinched nerve. He told me not to use it for a few weeks and it would heal itself. So, I just rested my right arm for about a week and it healed itself I guess?