Hey guys!
Just thought I would light up the custom avatar fire again. All I ask is that you be patient as I may have to find time to visit a video store to obtain your movie (yes, I pay to rent quite a few of the movies you guys request). Please keep your avatar requests in this thread...PMing me your request makes it more difficult for me to keep track of them all. Also, keep in mind that I don\'t have all the free time in the world, but I do my best to take care of you guys in a timely manner. If it\'s been a few days and I haven\'t responded to your request, feel free to PM me a friendly reminder.
So...on with the requests!
My best,
Just thought I would light up the custom avatar fire again. All I ask is that you be patient as I may have to find time to visit a video store to obtain your movie (yes, I pay to rent quite a few of the movies you guys request). Please keep your avatar requests in this thread...PMing me your request makes it more difficult for me to keep track of them all. Also, keep in mind that I don\'t have all the free time in the world, but I do my best to take care of you guys in a timely manner. If it\'s been a few days and I haven\'t responded to your request, feel free to PM me a friendly reminder.
So...on with the requests!
My best,