07-18-2008, 05:49 PM
Here's my opinion and then yall can have it.For one thing, I'm glad they only showed us a long shot of Jason. I think the older F13 movies worked best when Jason's entire being wasn't on screen for every single kill.Secondly about the photo itself, and this isn't a judgment about the movie so don't anybody get their panties in a wad . . . I don't like it. The fake fog with beams of light shining through it kills the whole image for me. If it wasn't for that and the amped up color saturation, I'd really dig the photo.Everyone sees Jason and Friday the 13th differently. While some on here are partial to the cheesy, over the top aspects of an undead, unstoppable killing machine in the latter installments (6-VS), others prefer the more serious (as can be) tone of the first 4. Watch part 2 or 4 next to say part 6 or 8 and you'll see what I mean. Not saying one is better than the other, but the consensus among the general movie-goer as to what and who Friday the 13th and Jason are have somehow been decided with the later feel of the movies. While nearly everyone may know the name of Jason Voorhees, I'm willing to bet only a small percentage will know that Jason was once a little grittier and darker than most think. They were called Friday the 13th movies, not Jason movies. Different era, different opinions. So what if YOUR Jason is different from MY Jason. My hope for this new movie is that they bring back some of that darker and grittier feel like parts 2 and 4 had and take the character of Jason a bit more seriously. But if I do see a kill involving a PARTY HORN, FLYING V, RV WALL or TOXIC WASTE then I'll know they didn't.And I agree with whoever said that at least this will be titled Friday the 13th again, rather than Jason Does This or That.