12-16-2009, 02:44 AM
I was browsing around YouTube and happened upon a long forgotten intro for a local Boston TV show I grew-up watching called the <i>"Creature- Double Feature"</i> on Channel 56. It was my first exposure to all those great Godzilla films and the early Universal horror films. I was about 5 years old when I saw these movies and remember it like it was yesterday. According to Wikipedia folks in Philadelphia had this show too. Another show we had here was "The Movie Loft" which introduced me to the first 3 <i>"Halloween"</i> films and the first 3 <i>"Friday the 13th" </i>films among others.I know this question must of been asked a million times but, since I'm in a nostalgic mood....I'ma ask it again:What's your first/earliest exposure to horror flicks ?Here's the intros:<a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Au_uwewd18\" target=\"_blank\">Click !</a><a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m--ayWTBWi0\" target=\"_blank\">Click Here, Too !</a>