05-07-2010, 10:58 PM
And I just got back from seeing it. Verdict? I really enjoyed it. JEH made a great Freddy. Nancy wasn't too 'high school musical', still very 'girl next door'. Nice to see the directors paying homage to some of the classic original scenes. Shame they fell back on so many 'jump scares' tho. Still, funny to watch everyone else!I had 2 crtiscisms really (jump scares aside). 1st one was the CGI for the wall scene that some people mentioned in the other thread.The second one, and I think quite important, is the constant reference to the boiler pipes etc in the dream scenes. In the original, this was there because Fred took his kids to a huge abandoned boiler house/factory to do whatever he did with them. hence going back there in the nightmares.Yet in the remake, he molested his kids in the pre-school basement, so going back to the factory/boilerhouse seemed irrelevant. It's not like thats where he was burned either, as that building was far too small to be the same place.Thoughts on this welcome....