05-24-2010, 05:21 PM
Sorry to hijack your thread but does anyone know what kind of leather glove was used in the remake? I have a NECA on the way to hold me off until I get the Deluxe Resurrection from Mark but I want to switch out the glove that comes with it for a better, more accurate one. To me, the glove in the movie looks to be the suede kind of work glove and I dont remember seeing any holes in it, although I easily could have missed it. Are there any videos or pictures of the screen used glove anywhere? This is the style Ive been looking at, in any event Ill be buying some gloves at a store and not online because I want to know exactly what im gettting size and color wise.<a href=\"http://cgi.ebay.com/12-Pair-Split-Leather-Gardening-Work-Gloves-Brown-Med-/350354733786?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5192c4fada#ht_2839wt_911\" target=\"_blank\">http://cgi.ebay.com/12-Pair-Split-Leather-...a#ht_2839wt_911</a>