03-30-2005, 05:16 AM
Here are some beautiful pieces of work from Bob over at MM. all this pieces are great and have top notch paint jobs on them. The one piece that stands out is the New Head skinner v3.0. It is beyond amazing. I highly recommended this mask as I do all of them. Great work, I apprecaite the hard work and great product. Enjoy guys!!!
1) Flesh Collector #1
2) New Skin
3) R. Englund(flesh)
4) R. Englund(bronze)
5) 2nd Skin 2
6) Head Skinner V3.0
1) Flesh Collector #1
2) New Skin
3) R. Englund(flesh)
4) R. Englund(bronze)
5) 2nd Skin 2
6) Head Skinner V3.0