02-25-2006, 12:08 PM
Hey, i dont know if any one has some intrested in this BUT i will show you anyway.
This is Swedish Friday the 13th on DVD. In Sweden Friday the 13th is called "Fredagen den 13". on part 4,5 and 8 they have write it wrong on the DVD. They have write "Fredag den 13" ,they forgot the letters "en" in the end of "Fredagen". Thats a BIG mistake, it is like you shoud write like this in US on the DVD "Frida the 13th" and no one seen it before it is too late and the movies is allredy in shops for sale :wacko:
This is Swedish Friday the 13th on DVD. In Sweden Friday the 13th is called "Fredagen den 13". on part 4,5 and 8 they have write it wrong on the DVD. They have write "Fredag den 13" ,they forgot the letters "en" in the end of "Fredagen". Thats a BIG mistake, it is like you shoud write like this in US on the DVD "Frida the 13th" and no one seen it before it is too late and the movies is allredy in shops for sale :wacko: