06-15-2006, 01:37 AM
Hey guys!!!!! I am back for a bit and it has been one hell of a ride for me for the past few months...I am the proud father of a new baby boy named, Giordan Kahl-el Hanks!!!! I have been working on 3 major Marvel Movies and Am now finishing up my second season of Loonatics Unleashed for Warner Bros.I have missed the horror chat but have been in contact with Justin for a while and i am glad to say have finished 4 maybe 5 more NIGHTOWL covers with friggin awesome zombies!!!!!!...I hope to get these out to justin soon!!!...As of right now i am at the Warner Bros studios typing this as we speak and love being back on.....I am also tackling my own line of hyper- Real hockeymasks which means i am doing them to please even the most synical collector....yes that means even accurate eye shapes!!!!.....good to be back for a bit!!!. Later.
Haggard Hank.
aka Myers-San.

Haggard Hank.
aka Myers-San.