06-12-2007, 02:05 AM
I\'m wanting to mold this piece. I need to do it anyway because I wanna do one up for Chris Russell who gave me the rights to this piece. I also wanna do a personal copy and bring a couple to monster mania in August.I\'m also interested in doing 3 of these just to cover the latex costs if I can. They would all have the same detailed paint job with blood or no blood.50$ shipped. They would ship in 2-4 weeksIf anyone is interested in getting in on a discontinued old school Twisted toybox piece shoot me a PM.Castings will be super thick or wearable..whichever you want.Master copy is EXTREMELY detailed as you can see<img src=\"http://i13.tinypic.com/5y9u5q0.jpg\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />