03-20-2005, 04:57 AM
Well, I bought this old "Kirk" mold a while ago that was originaly made my MMP in 2002. It\'s not a great replica of the kirk, but its a desent mold for making desent myers masks and other assorted project, whatever I feel like making at any point in time.(it can make a desent TCM pretty woman mask as well) Well so far I\'ve made an H1 an H2 and 2 Kirk replicas with it, so last night i decided to pour a pull in it, and i pulled it this morning and got to work on making myself a H4 mask, sence I don\'t have one yet. after triming the neck i realized i didnt have enough left to make the neck extention, so i used an old one gallon bucket and poured latex in the top about 3 inches of it. so i let that cure and used that to fasion my neck extention. I used screen caps from google to make this, so it could be a little wrong. ha, anyway, heres some pics.