04-21-2005, 06:08 PM
For no particular reason I felt I would share this. So as some of you know, I\'m going to make a Casey Jones hockey mask. I don\'t have a computer of my own and or the Ninja Turtles movie dvd, and noone I know owns a computer that can take screen caps and none of them own the dvd either. I posted here trying to get some screen caps, but noone could get any. My next course of action, I went to a Ninja Turtles website, registered on their forums and asked for screen caps there. What I got in response was some guy directing me to a bunch or cartoon stills and people telling me how archaic the mask is. The website itself was a little disturbing too. I found posts asking what cartoon characters were \'hotter" than others. I was just hightly annoyed that I asked for stills on there and noone had anyhting to say back remotely helpful or related to my question except fpor the guy who gave me cartoon stills. How annoying. Just for the hell of it, any of you have stills now?