This is a thread from over at and i think evetryone should see it. A member of this baord and other baords is selling recasted Stardate 78 masks and seems to him he doesnt see the harm in stealing someones work.I see the harm, in it and its no different than the peopel selling recasted NMM78 or the recasted psychos on ebay .I doubt anything will be done to him but IMO i think he should be banned from every board around.its stealing and should not be toleraitted by anyone or any board.Yes Terry used a 75 kirk pull for this mask but Terry did have to do sculpture work to this peice and this person thinks he can just steal the work if hes not maing kirks.Its total Bs and n matter what excuses he makes or how he tries to make it alright its WRONG. I dont see how this person can get a mold for a sd78 when there are only 2 of them and they are in Terrys possession .Not saying he recasted it(even thow he woned a SD78) but it is a recast and is still WRONGPlain and simple.............
Click the link and read away..............
Sorry of this doesnt belong here mods but i think it is something that needs to be seen and everyone needs to no about........
Click the link and read away..............
Sorry of this doesnt belong here mods but i think it is something that needs to be seen and everyone needs to no about........