07-17-2009, 01:13 AM
I feel wierd asking this here but I know some of you guys are very knolageable about computers and have helped me in the past so I fugured why not. Ok so when I turn on my computer this afternoon it does it's update that it does about once a week, nother out of the ordinary so after it finnishes and restarts, the audio won't work and it says "No Audio Output Divice is Installed". The speaker are plugged in so thats not the prob. A friend said for me to check the Sound, Video and Game Controllers under Device Manager but when I look, the Sound, Video and Game Controllers are missing. Also I tried a System Restore, but it won't let me restore to an earlier date. It keeps saying "Restore was Unsuccessfull and No Files Have Been Changed". Anyone with any computer knowlage who can help me would be greatly appreciated.