Lindross not sure if you got it fixed yet or not. Hopefully you did.
It\'s a DNS issue that is causing the problem. I know a couple others who were having the same problem since MM went down.
They had done server changes and that will cause DNS problems for cookies and bookmarked sites and any type of add-son used to remember login and password info sometimes. They are all fixed an able to access the site now. So if your still stuck PM me and i can get you the info to fix it. If you set and working glad to hear!
08-21-2011, 05:49 PM (This post was last modified: 08-21-2011, 05:51 PM by Martoch.)
Mr. Dark,
I have no idea why you took that so personally, but I assure you that wasn\'t my intent at all. I understand that it can be difficult at times to perceive a typed message the same way the sender intended it to be taken. My apologies if it seemed like a personal attack on was actually meant to be a compliment. Don\'t be so suspicious of edits. I even commented to my wife about how cool it was that you were taking the time to help.