03-17-2006, 08:07 PM
Quote:Hmm, this computer doesn\'t have sound, but interesting none the less. I honestly don\'t think it\'s so ridiculous that horror films influenced the guys actions. A big majority of people I\'ve known who like horror, are social outcasts and have very little or no friends, and weren\'t popular in school, etc. Those people tend to look up to these horror icons. If someone was an angry enough person, and hated their lives enough, why wouldn\'t they go and immulate their favorite horror movies? I\'m sure they\'d have that teenage invincability syndrome going so they might believe they couldn\'t be stopped or caught. From what I can tell about some of the people here, you have more interests than just horror so you have more of a life, but there are a few that I think could be very capable of doing what that guy did. Hell, had certain factors been different in my life when I was younger, I may have been capable of it.turn the subtitles on LOL