03-30-2006, 02:25 AM
Quote:Recasting a movie prop or old mask can bring something to people that they could only otherwise get from a sculpture. (except for aquiring the original molds of course)...I think Dan hit the nail right on the head there.
Recasting an artists "sculpture" is frowned down upon because it\'s not trying to aquire a rare prop, it\'s moreso trying to steal someone elses artwork.
There are grey areas but this simple philosophy has always made perfect sense to me.
I\'d rather have a recasted movie prop than an original sculpture of that same prop.. Due to accuracy
The dc direct version is made from a screen used mask, theres only 500 in the world and they\'re very hard to find. As a collector, If I needed one I\'d want a cleaned up recast of the dc mask rather than a sculpture from you or anyone else.