06-23-2007, 08:36 PM
Damn man that sucks, i feel for you bro, i was in your same situation, i actually got married to the girl though, i loved her too, but she did it once and begged me dude not to leave her, i mean she was literally hangin on my ankles as i packed my last bag, and i felt at that time i loved her enough to forgive her, but the thought never went away, it was like i relived it everytime we had sex, and it was only 4 months bro she did it again with some other guy, so i feel the same way you do, cant trust em and true love doesnt exist, its temporary, theres only one kinda love and its unconditional, thats the love you have for your kids,family and friends, thats true love to me, i have a good girlfriend now but i dont let myself get attached anymore she could cut out or i could and i wouldnt even think twice about honestly, and i like it that way, just hang out with some bros man thats what helped me, i know you said you didnt have too many friends but im sure you got at least a couple of good ones, if your ever in michigan bro ill hook you up, show ya around, we got some fun clubs and cool things to do around here, keep your head up bro theres plenty of women out there that will appreciate you she aint worth your time, and shes throwing red flaggs on purpose, scanless women, dont look back bro!!!!!