I would personally be pissed off and would want what I paid for, but you have to be careful in situations like this, you could end up losing your money. Odds are the seller is not going to sell you the item no matter what you do. There’s only one real reason for the seller not to ship the item to you, and that is because he probably doesn't have it to ship. If the seller wanted more money for it he could have put a reserve or started the bidding at the price he wanted. In a situation like this you may be better off taking the refund and issuing a negative. If the seller sends you a refund, don’t mail it back, the seller can refuse to sign for it and it’ll just be sent back to you. And also the seller can say “Hey I never received anything from this guy” and poof, there goes your money.If the item is worth the fight, then I do have a few suggestions. If they send you a refund in the mail don’t send it back to them, hold on to it, don’t cash it or deposited it, if you do the seller can argue that you agreed to a refund. Issue a negative FB and report the seller to ebay, let the seller know you will do this and if necessary you will take them to court. Unless the item is worth thousands of dollars the seller will say F’it and ship you the item to avoid any problems. However the seller can just claim he sent you the item when he didn’t, item doesn’t show up, “Oh, must have gotten lost in the mail, let me issue you a refund”. If the seller wants to he can be a real a-hole and dick you around for a while, but if it’s worth the fight do what you have to do.Jeff-
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