09-12-2007, 07:07 PM
Larry, if you get screwed on ebay who do you go to? That person, then paypal, your credit card company, who ever you can. Same deal here, we are NOT responsible for Mike, or anyone selling stuff on here, it's a privilidge to allow it, but it ends there. The deal is between you and the maker ONLY. We'll help if it's a member to memeber transaction that's gone badly, try to get an amicable resolution, but in terms of a maker like Mike, what the hell are we gonna do? Send him a PM in the stack he doesn't respond to anyways? We don't ask people to come here and sell their stuff, bottom line, Justin's a damn nice guy, and he allows it, if tomorrow he changed his mind and said no more, that'd be it. How's it fair here on the NIGHOWL board, we get stuck shoveling up Mike's shit he's left everywhere? Or anyone esles for that matter.