06-10-2008, 09:44 PM
Not anything to do with Jason Lives, but my favorite entry of he series Part 3 is loaded with bloopers too.There is a VERY interesting and revealing scene in part 3 that is pretty cool. We all know that a scene was cut from the film regarding Chris and Rick running into Abel (the old guy in the road) in the woods on their way back to the cabin after Chris' Academy Award winning flashback sequence (LOL!). Some even say that scene was never filmed even with photographic proof. BUT . . . take a look at the final few frames of the scene where Rick and Chris are walking and Rick says "What was that noise" and looks off-camera to our left. Just after Chris responds to him, they turn to walk off-screen to our right. Just before it cuts to another scene back at the house, pay special mind to the front of Chris' jacket. A "mysterious" shadow falls across her chest of someone wearing a wide-brimmed hat and it sure ain't Indiana Jones! It's the shadow of Abel. I'm assuming that scene would've paid off with a quick "cheap scare" of them running into him and then they would've had their little conversation. Cool huh? Check it out if you've never noticed it. Slo-mo or Frame-by-Frame might be helpful.