11-19-2008, 09:45 AM
Hey its your money, and you've asked peoples opinions,but your not going to allways get exactly what you want to hear on a question like this, its a nice bust, but not the best likeness i've seen him do, i'm not wragging on him, he does a lot of great stuff, but mike hills looks far better to me likeness wise anyway.As for the price, well hair punching alone takes hours to do, i don't know if he does the whole head or just the hairlines, but its a royal pain, silicone stuff does take a lot of work, but personally i don't buy into the whole, well i'm a cool artist so you have to pay extra deal, elitist crapola!.If you really want it, go for the gusto, but as people have said, you might get a better likeness and a better deal if you wait for others to tackle it