11-19-2008, 03:27 PM
Thanks gerard333... if I ever get one... I do plan to put it in a display case.As for people saying that the likeness is off, I'd just wonder what they think is inaccurate on this piece. I mean, I've been comparing photos of the Joker and this bust and I can't find one problem. Anyone else see any imperfections that are making it look inaccurate?And as I said before... Mike Hill's Joker is great but I just do not like the facial expression. Plus, I think Bob's hair on the piece looks a lot better than Mike's.Compare:Bob's<img src=\"http://www.dullam-causey.com/gallery/streamimage.php?path=L0JvYiBDLidzIEhlYXRoIExlZGdlciB0cmlidXRlL0JvYiBjIGpva2VyMi5qcGc=\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />Mike's<img src=\"http://mikehillart.com/images/ledger-joker2.jpg\" border=\"0\" class=\"linked-image\" />