02-02-2009, 01:26 AM
Some remakes are good and others are suckish. I know I can't say that the f13 remake is going to be best remake ever, but it looks very promising. The TCM remake was alright I think IMO that they should have first produced the prequel to it then the remake. Psycho remake was crap. I think for the fact that they are remaking some of the older ones like 20's and 30's it would be good because there old like The wolfman but they are the few movies that I never get bored of. Hate for the fact though that they are remaking every single movie made like Jaws and Ghostbusters. I have had heard a far fetched rumor that they are trying to remake the Old Star Wars series but i doubt it. I haven't seen the full MBV3d but neither have I seen the old one so I can't compare.And we all know about the halloween remake.