03-29-2009, 07:31 PM
Platinum Dunes can put out some great films sometimes, I really enjoyed the remake of TCM, F13 remake was okay, kind of a let down although Jason looked pretty cool...I think the reason they are remaking films from the 80's is because they have a chance to be good fun and somewhat scary again and after the last freddy film and F vs J there really isnt anywhere to go imo, so that is why they are rebooting the franchise to try to make a better Freddy than all the sequels even though I thought Freddy was the best in the first and New Nightmare. Seriously who cares what the mainstream audience thinks, they think Freddy is Jason and Michael is both of them so they don't know (My mommy is going to wash my mouth out with soap!) because they just want to watch movies like Twilight and (My mommy is going to wash my mouth out with soap!) like that