11-14-2004, 08:35 PM
Quote:JUST DO IT. I bought my Area 51 about 6 months ago and I love it. I priced it out and figured that Alienware is making about 300.00 on Tech support. So if your into building a system go ahead and do it, but if your like me I\'m willing to send 300.00 on tech support for as long as I own this rig. You can\'t go wrong with Alienware.My uncle who is a computer guru (he used to be in the business but got fired cause of mass lay offs) Said that they really only make a couple hundred off their system price (alienware) And considering that me and electronics go together about as well as oil and water I\'m figuring that maybe.. just maybe I should buy it prebuilt. My dad offered to build a computer for me, but my saying for him is to "keep all sharp objects and glue away from him" so if you get where this is going, we\'re a family of klutzes. And my uncle lives in Chicago, and I\'m in Arizona. But of course right now everything is up in the air.