04-03-2004, 11:56 PM
I have read no posts but the first one because I am tired but the remake had nothing on the original. Wasn\'t anything ORIGINAL, simply make you jump horror when something moves in the shadows. In no way were you scared the next day after watching the remake, because it was not believeable. The remake was shot like any other horror film, dark and dropy with dirt to make it look old. The family, oh how the family sucked. bubba was smart in this one too, which sucked, made the character who was suppose to be slow and sheltered almost like any other murderer. If you thought the remake was better then the origial in any way your a dumbass. It was a good movie I give it that, but in NO way the classic that was made by in 1974. Another reason why the remake killed it for me, in the 1974 original the horror led up, and built in your mind. In this one its just flat out shoved at you to try to scare you, with the hitchhiker blowing her brains out and then from then on its pretty much the same.