04-12-2005, 05:35 AM
hey I skimmed thru this , but did anyone mention david miller DID NOT have anything to do with making the masks for part 5?!?!?
I would send an e-mail politely asking for a refund, not a repaint. If they are shiping out masks like that one and like the one I got, then how do you expect a re-paint to look anything like justin\'s, or cropsy\'s, or mike\'s, or the movie for that matter. ANYBODY on this board can do a better paint job than that one with their arms closed and one eye tied behing their back
get your money back or send it to mike to get it re-painted.
I would send an e-mail politely asking for a refund, not a repaint. If they are shiping out masks like that one and like the one I got, then how do you expect a re-paint to look anything like justin\'s, or cropsy\'s, or mike\'s, or the movie for that matter. ANYBODY on this board can do a better paint job than that one with their arms closed and one eye tied behing their back
get your money back or send it to mike to get it re-painted.