Realizing the space limitations of a DVD, I\'ve decided on slightly different course of action:
I will put one movie per disc, with Joe Bob Brigg\'s commentary cut in accordingly, and I\'ll also add a unique Monstervision commercial/plug per disc as well, to make it fun. This will make a total of 6 DVDs [high quality, although the Monstervision was taped on VHS]. I\'ll release one per month, in order, beginning in June. Each disc will cost approx. $10-12 [includes shipping, and also factors in the printing of liner notes/graphics and DVD costs--this will not be a chincy set]. Sound fair?
Realizing the space limitations of a DVD, I\'ve decided on slightly different course of action:
I will put one movie per disc, with Joe Bob Brigg\'s commentary cut in accordingly, and I\'ll also add a unique Monstervision commercial/plug per disc as well, to make it fun. This will make a total of 6 DVDs [high quality, although the Monstervision was taped on VHS]. I\'ll release one per month, in order, beginning in June. Each disc will cost approx. $10-12 [includes shipping, and also factors in the printing of liner notes/graphics and DVD costs--this will not be a chincy set]. Sound fair?