05-31-2007, 05:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-31-2007, 07:04 PM by Ruste Dowg.)
Right first off I respect this forums rules so I am not going to name and shame but put this as diplomatically as I can.I would like to explain a situation that has arisen between myself and another member.I would ask that you read this and then be as honest as you like and tell me what your opinion is. An add went up in the classifieds for a number of items made by a reputable member.I responded with an instant paypal payment and this message on 5/04/07. ''make that ** the best one you have ****! The seller reply's the same day. ''hey Darren, got payment, and ill make it a killer one, thanks man''' Great! I then get this email on the 20/4/07. ''Hey Darren. Here is a pic of yours and *****'s ****** yours is the one on the right closest.. you are number 6.shipping tomorrow mate and big thanks'' Great! I reply back straight away after receiving the above email with, ''looks fantastic mate, thanks so much for this great opportunity
Please make sure you send it recorded!Darren'' All sounds good.I then notice after the weekend that one of the other members has received there's and as we are both in the UK and the seller is from the UK, I found it odd that mine had not turned up after 5 days as if you send recorded it takes roughly 1-3 days no more. I checked with the other member who had received there's what postage method was used and it was just first class but thought maybe he did that as standard but I had requested recorded that things would be ok.So I send an email on the 26th asking about the item. ''Hey ****, did you send my ***** out on Saturday as nothing has showed up here yet, I see ***** got his so I thought I'd check. No card through the door mate, did you send it recorded?Darren''I get this reply,'' hey Darren, yep it went out with *****'*... give it a couple of days mate, did a card or anything get posted if you missed it maybe? let me know if nothing turns up by Saturday as I have the receipt here'' Ok fair enough, he must has sent recorded as he mentioned a card through the door, although he did not confirm I'll sit tight and wait. Saturday and still nothing so I send the next email,''Hey ****, no sign of the ***** mate
I have checked with neighbours as well to see if the package had been left with them but still no sign and no ticket through the door either
Darren''No reply so I keep sending emails, one on the 1/5/07 4/5/07 13/5/07 20/5/07 23/5/07 and then again on the 28/5/07 when I at last get this reply,''Hey.. I take it its not turned up? the post office didn't really say much just wait on both ends. I sent out an item via ebay last year and the fucker never turned up, after 3 months it come back to us. and we got a negative feedback and everything, u see that guy didn't believe it was sent. Now in this case your ***** went out with *****'*, I kinda made that last set the last ****** as I quit making shortly after due to not having any supplies left at all and not having the heart to carry on with everything. so....''I'm like WTF? ok so I send this one,''Well no the ***** has not turned up and to be honest it wont now in my experience.I would just appreciate it if you could refund me the £65 or replace the ***** with another as I said before in an email I sent you.Can you please get back to me and let me know what you will do.Darren.''His reply,''ok, but I made the ***** and sent it. I didn't loose it and I know you didn't but I am not obliged to refund or replace, as once its left my hands there nothing I can do about it. I don't have that spare cash to hand as of yet anyway and as I said in the last mail all ***** supplies are gone. it possibly might turn back up at my house soon as its been a fair while, if it does which as I said they have before then I will pass it straight back on and would let you know immediately.... I don't want to sound unreasonable mate, but as you can see no party can win here, if you get a refund I loose out, if I don't send anything then you loose out, so I can part refund you then we would both at least have half safe as it costs me £30 to build a ***** anyway. so if you could agree I can send you £30.00 now as a half refund.''I'm a seller as you all know and in my book that aint good enough, I requested recorded and if he sent it that way he will have a tracking number and be insured to make a claim and offer me a refund. Wayne/savage once sent me a hockey mask for painting and when I did it and sent it it never got there, I didn't use recorded so in my book I was at fault that my service didn't get it there, so I purchased a ken tarallo blank painted one up and sent it to him as it felt like the right thing to do.So I send this one,''It's a hard one to call mate but I believe you sent it out I just think that you should have sent it with some sort of recorded or signed for service, if you still have the postage receipt can you not make a claim back for your expense? I look at it this way, I paid you for an item and it has failed to turn up, I am no way at fault and think the right thing to do is refund the full amount, I had to learn the hard way as well that posting without a recorded or signed for service is a huge risk, I did it once and never again as I had to give someone a full refund, it was the right thing to do, it wasn't their fault I had not got their mask to them and they had paid me for a service which I did not give.I on faith did not make a claim with paypal as I felt that you would have sorted this out for me by now.I don't want to have a dispute with you over this but I feel this has not gone well for me at all.Darren.''Just let me know what you guys think and thanks for taking the time to read this.Darren