![[Image: HurricaneIvan077.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v499/1970/HurricaneIvan077.jpg)
![[Image: HurricaneIvan069.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v499/1970/HurricaneIvan069.jpg)
Hi, this @ Hockey Mask th@t i m@de from fibergl@ss. this is the first m@sk i p@inted its not th@t gre@t. i c@n p@int @ c@r but p@inting @ Hockey Mask is @little h@rder. lol. i will be m@kking @nd selling Bl@nks Drilled & trimed for 25$ shipped. th@t sounds f@ir bec@cus if you felt the itch @fter you been s@nding fibegl@ss @ll d@y you would s@y th@ts f@ir. I c@n p@int them for you @t @ good price.
Does @nyone here h@ve @ny tips on mixing p@ints to get the colors for e@ch style m@sk? or @ny p@int codes?
Sorry @bout the pics my girl friend took them. @lso they fit @nd look nice on under m@sks.
oh ye@ the bl@nks will be s@nded