08-17-2007, 06:05 PM
I need some serious advice on what steps you all would do on a possible deal through ebay that is going down the drain. I bought screen used wardrobe (a hero outfit) and after making payment about a week ago and i was told it would be sent out on Monday. I just got a message today that the seller is sending out a refund to me today because her husband argued with her about selling it. Now i know I got a good deal and the outift is worth at least 2 1/2 times more than what i paid for it. That's what I think the REAL problem is. They wanted more for it and they didn't get it. I've dealt with the person before with no problems and now this. I replied to her message stating that I don't want a refund, I want what I paid for. I also told her that I will not accept the money order and will send it back with signature confirmation. I'm waiting to hear back from her. I contacted a highly reputable collector and was told if she's doesn't comply with your first warning then to file a 'non-seller' performance against her on Ebay. After that and if no resolution happens I was told to let her know that she's doing bad business and to let her know that I will have to let everyone know in the prop/wardrobe collectiing community how she does business.Do you all think those a re good steps to take? If not, what wuold you do different? Thanks Al