03-10-2005, 01:25 AM
I completely agree...this is the kind of thread that I like reading 
Great post, Trav...you hit the nail on the head with what probably 99% of us collectors want...some realize it and some don\'t. The bottom line is, we want something that gives us that \"feeling\". I\'m sitting here next to my Anders part 1 glove...I\'m sure it\'s not the most acurate thing ever built, and compared to what Bill said, it\'s definitely not like what was used in the film. But I look at it, wear it, and I get that \"feeling\"...like I am 9 years old again and watching ANOES, and making finger knives out of tin foil. And now I have something that looks liek what I was trying to recreate... Speaking of which, that[\'s why I also want a Boiler Room glove from Bill...seeing pics of that made me want of of those so bad...because it was just like what I remember seeing.
Another good example is this place I used to work. It was a prepress place where we did test prints of images for all sorts of companies. We also did photo touch ups and one of the companies we dealt with was Hanes. More specifically, Hanes Her Way. Without going into graphic detail, let me just say that what you see in those catalogs is faaaar away from the real thing. I saw those pictures fresh from the photo shoot, with all the markings on overlays with what to change here, what to change there... I even kept a couple myself when I left that job simply because of how ridiculous they were. Everything from airbrusing out stray hairs (you know what I mean - this is underwear people - use your imagination) to shaving literally millimeters off the curve of an ankle. For what?
Illusion. What do most men want...the girl in the magazine, or the one that looks like she\'s got Buckwheat in a headlock? Yeah, that\'s what I thought... And to any girls reading this, that was meant with no disrespect...I\'m talking in general here.
Anyway, you get my point...I\'ll stop rambling
Damn, I have a nasty habit of that on this thread...

Great post, Trav...you hit the nail on the head with what probably 99% of us collectors want...some realize it and some don\'t. The bottom line is, we want something that gives us that \"feeling\". I\'m sitting here next to my Anders part 1 glove...I\'m sure it\'s not the most acurate thing ever built, and compared to what Bill said, it\'s definitely not like what was used in the film. But I look at it, wear it, and I get that \"feeling\"...like I am 9 years old again and watching ANOES, and making finger knives out of tin foil. And now I have something that looks liek what I was trying to recreate... Speaking of which, that[\'s why I also want a Boiler Room glove from Bill...seeing pics of that made me want of of those so bad...because it was just like what I remember seeing.
Another good example is this place I used to work. It was a prepress place where we did test prints of images for all sorts of companies. We also did photo touch ups and one of the companies we dealt with was Hanes. More specifically, Hanes Her Way. Without going into graphic detail, let me just say that what you see in those catalogs is faaaar away from the real thing. I saw those pictures fresh from the photo shoot, with all the markings on overlays with what to change here, what to change there... I even kept a couple myself when I left that job simply because of how ridiculous they were. Everything from airbrusing out stray hairs (you know what I mean - this is underwear people - use your imagination) to shaving literally millimeters off the curve of an ankle. For what?
Illusion. What do most men want...the girl in the magazine, or the one that looks like she\'s got Buckwheat in a headlock? Yeah, that\'s what I thought... And to any girls reading this, that was meant with no disrespect...I\'m talking in general here.
Anyway, you get my point...I\'ll stop rambling